He has a degree in Computer Science (USP), a Master’s Degree in Administration (FGV-SP) and an MBA Specialization from UC Berkeley, CA. He has worked for over 25 years in market research, both as a client (Unliever Brazil, Clorox USA) and a provider (Ipsos Novaction). He loves understanding numbers and people, and has developed a deep expertise in qualitative and quantitative research, which is quite unusual in this market. He has moderated over 1,500 focus groups.
In 2007, he founded Ginger with the intention of filling gaps in service that he experienced as a client: researchers that understand not only about research, but also marketing and strategy. A total workaholic, he relentlessly aims for the highest quality in everything that Ginger does. Greatly respected by his clients, he works very close with them, from understanding the true question that is presented, to help planning based on the research findings. And he has a special talent for developing concepts and evaluating ads.
His personal interests include traveling the world, and he has gone diving in several places around the globe. He does not turn down good meals (being married to a chef helps with that!), good movies or a stroll through the park with his black lab, Filomena.